Jenna Hairston
  • Jenna Hairston

    Jenna Hairston

    Jenna F. Hairston is a native Texan, accomplished singer, performer, highly respected singing teacher and singing voice specialist in the Bryan/College Station area. With more than twenty-five years of teaching and music education experience, Jenna began her vocology training in 1984 at Sam Houston State University. Jenna’s performance experience includes, appearances as the leading soprano and guest solo artist with orchestras, choirs, churches, musical theater, Christian radio programing, and numerous community events as well as recitals. She has served as Music Director, Worship Leader, Choir Director, Children’s Music Director and has experience as a studio recording artist. Jenna combines her passion for helping people who have voice disorders with her extensive background as a teacher of singing to work in collaboration with medical professionals in the re-training of injured singing voices as a Singing Voice Specialist. As a Singing Voice Specialist with the Voice Care Team, Jenna provides voice evaluation and rehabilitation therapy to singers, actors, non-singers, and other vocal performers with voice injuries who are recovering from vocal surgery. She is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), the Voice Foundation, The Voice and Speech Trainers Association, Inc. (VASTA) and The North American Music Teachers Association (NAMTA) .

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Date Time Duration Classes Teacher Price Booking
01 Aug - 28 Aug
  • 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
04 week Available Slot Jenna Hairston $ Book now